Saturday, August 8, 2009

Slow Pitch Softball Hitting Tip #1 - See the Ball

Anytime I talk to a coach or successful baseball/slow pitch softball player, I always ask for their best, simplest piece of advice on becoming a better hitter. Almost without exception, everyone I ask talks about the importance of seeing the ball. Seeing the ball with both eyes - watching it from the pitcher's hand through bat contact, is the most important and simplest mechanic to hitting. Teaching yourself to key both eyes on the softball will make you a better hitter instantly!

Here's a simple drill you can perform from a tee, in the cages, and especially during the game:

As soon as you get set and relaxed in the box, tell yourself "see the ball" and focus your eyes on the softball. Track the ball as the pitcher backs in the windup, and follow the ball's arc with both eyes. Try to focus on the writing or the seams - really hawk in on that ball. Watch THROUGH bat contact - keep the head down and eyes on the ball all the way through your swing. You'll be suprised how often we pull the eyes out or even close them during our swing!


  1. Very true! Often times after flying out I'd say to myself, "I don't even remember seeing the ball hit the bat." But on good-contact at-bats, I do recall seeing the ball hit the bat.

  2. I value your important and informative point of view here. You have written this article in a nice and informative way. Thanks for sharing your time and effort.
    baseball hitting tee

  3. one thing I have done is to write numbers 1 through 5 on five softballs, I will have the kids get ten pitches - every hit is 1 point, if they call out the correct number when they hit it is 2 points. it forces them to look at the ball the whole works well with 2/3 of the kids
